Sonic the Hedgehog CD was a Sega CD game released in 1993. The storyline follows Sonic the hedgehog as he tries to stop Doctor Robotnik, a mad scientist, from taking control of the planet called Little Planet. Once the Doctor's plans are defeated, Sonic gains a new friend named Tails and helps her with her mission of finding the Master Emerald. After locating the jewel, they head back to the Doctor's hideout where the battle against Dr. Robotnik takes place. The two robots clash and Sonic are captured by the doctor's robot, the E-102 Nebulosa.
For many years, the Sonic games have enjoyed considerable popularity among the video gaming community, and they continue to grow in number and popularity. Although the Sega Master System and Sega Mega Drive versions of the games were released, the game has continued to gain popularity on the CD format, and is now one of the most popular video games on the market. Although Sonic CD is primarily a puzzle game, it also includes several action sequences. As the game progresses, the main character battles the villains that attempt to control the planet and prevent the hero from reaching his goal. As the player, you must locate hidden objects in order to progress through the levels. Although it is not exactly a role-playing game, it does follow the basic conventions of a role-playing game in a unique way.
As an example, while in the beginning of the game you can't actually fight enemies, once the level begins the controls become a bit more complicated. You are actually given a "Dash" button to move at high speeds, and the character moves to the left or right of the screen depending on the direction you move the character in. You also have the option of jumping between objects and performing various stunts, such as sliding across the floor, or diving underwater to avoid enemy attacks. While these may sound like basic actions, they prove to be very enjoyable as the game progresses.